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The Magic of Thinking Big

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The Magic of Thinking Big gives you useful methods, not empty promises. Dr. Schwartz presents a carefully designed program for getting the most out of your job, your marriage and family life, and your community. He proves that you don't need to be an intellectual or have innate talent to attain great success and satisfaction, but you do need to learn and understand the habit of thinking and behaving in ways that will get you there.

238 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1959

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About the author

David J. Schwartz

43 books681 followers
David Joseph Schwartz PhD (March 23, 1927 – December 6, 1987) was an American motivational writer and coach, best known for authoring The Magic of Thinking Big in 1959.

He was a professor at Georgia State University and also began his own work as a self-help coach and life strategist. Later, he founded his own consultancy firm focusing on leadership development called 'Creative Educational Services Inc'.

He became well known through his motivational publications and self-help books, especially for The Magic of Thinking Big, published in 1959.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,586 reviews
Profile Image for Monica.
96 reviews49 followers
December 4, 2013
An inspiring book that will teach you to think beyond the mundane, every day, status quo. The enemy we call "average" threatens to take away the hopes, dreams, and meaning in our lives. Strive for excellence in everything you do. If you want something you've never had, you'll have to do something you've never done.
Profile Image for Dr. Appu Sasidharan (Dasfill).
1,358 reviews3,493 followers
October 2, 2022

It was my cousin who inspired me to read this book. She is living in Chicago. I saw her after five years, and I was surprised to see the remarkable changes in her life. She became a perfect human being which I always wanted myself to become. She told me the vital role this book played in her life. So the next thing I did was purchasing this book and reading it cover to cover. I was comparatively new to the world of self-help when I first read this book, and I loved this one. I also reread this book a couple of times after it. Each time I loved it more, and it still is one of my favorite books. This book tells us how to attain success by slightly altering your thinking pattern, enabling you to think big.
“Look at things not as they are, but as they can be. Visualization adds value to everything. A big thinker always visualizes what can be done in the future. He isn't stuck with the present”
Profile Image for Tracy S..
Author 22 books38 followers
December 5, 2008
I know several people who feel that this book has changed their lives. I'm not certain I can make that claim for myself, but this was the first time I'd heard of the three failure diseases: Procrastonation, Excuse-itis and detail-itis. I think at some time or another, I was guilty of all three. Now I tend to catch mysef in the midst of them and think "a-ha! Stop that."
Profile Image for David Rosage.
142 reviews19 followers
February 21, 2008
This book changed the way I look at the world, and will remain a powerful reminder of the great things that can be accomplished with the right attitude.
Profile Image for Holly.
173 reviews
July 23, 2014
On the one hand, this book had some good advice about things like thinking positive, treating people well and setting a good example. On the other hand, the author's misogynistic views on women is prevalent throughout the book and is really a sign of when this book was written (the 1950s). Women cannot be successful business people - they are allowed to work menial jobs or be wives, but nothing more.

I'd like to think that since they are still publishing this book that they would update it every now and then to make it more relevant to the times, but if they have, they haven't changed the way women are discussed at all.

Also, I really didn't expect the book to have a surprise twist at the end. In the last chapter of the book, the author is making the point that it is important for people to spend time alone for critical thinking. It's not bad advice but he uses Hitler (surprise! Hitler gets brought up!) as an example of someone who used his time alone to come up with a "brilliantly wicked" plan. Then on the next page, the author says that people "discover that decisions and observations made alone in managed solitude have an uncanny way of being 100% right!" Wait, did he just imply Hitler was right???
Profile Image for Brady Bunte.
5 reviews16 followers
November 24, 2013
I have to admit, I have read this book about 8 times. I make it a goal to read this book every six months because of the powerful influences that come from Dr. Schwartz. I read this book initially in 1999 and was taken aback by how powerful the thinking process is. As a result of applying the book, I was able to get a better job, attain certifications in my field (Computers), buy a house and feel much better about myself. If you find yourself in need of a change, look no further than this book.
I recommend this book for family and friends. While the book was written some 30+ years ago, the concepts are still relevant, and the stories hold true today.

Put this book at the top of your must read list!!!

Brady Bunte
Profile Image for Anthony Fox.
Author 5 books10 followers
May 13, 2012
A Review of The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

Think success, don’t think failure. The mantra of believe in yourself is the premise of this book. The copy I have read was first published in 1960. This was one of the books I found in my grandfather’s bookcase and one which I kept after he died. This is second time I have read this book with many years between the readings. I know the book has been re-published many times since and is available. The reason I selected this book to write a review is that maybe a newer generation might find it an interesting book to read, and they might not have heard about it before.

The book is really a tutorial of how to respond positively to events with mini stories describing how other people have handled both negative and positive events in their lives. This gives the reader a clear understanding of how to approach similar situations with good advice. Of course “you can’t move mountains” but believe in yourself and your abilities and you will climb a mountain of doubt. Because, if you do not believe in yourself you are more likely will not succeed.

I have always believed that to succeed in anything you have to have confidence in yourself. It sounds so simple, doesn’t it? But, it’s true. The more confidence you have within you the more other people will believe in you. Don’t suffer from fear is another mantra the author discusses which is I believe is a common feeling we all have when it comes to our ability to try new things. We fear failure more, partly because of the unknown and what other people might think about us. I have written about this subject because I feel we are all capable of achieving what we want. Sometimes we just need to understand that fear is only temporary when we start to take action. When we confront our fear head-on the more likely we will gain confidence in ourselves to tackle similar situations in the future.

What I would say which I feel the author doesn’t express is that as humans we have the tendency to set our expectations to high and when things don’t pan out the way we expected them to we can get disillusioned and often depressed. I am not saying you should not aim high or set your goals high, but sometimes things are not always in our control. So we have to learn to aim high, but always remember that not everything is going to go our way.

My analogy of this would be the climbing of Mount Everest, sometimes events and conditions are against you, but for those who keep trying they often reach the summit of their goal. What we all must accept is that failure is part of success. Those that keep trying will find success, as long as they are prepared to evaluate their performance after each attempt and improve.

It’s natural and part of our makeup that as individuals we don’t like coming second, but in a race sometimes there is only one winner. We have to learn that success is more subjective and teach ourselves that taking part is a success. This will make us more confident as individuals with the right attitude to be a better person in this world.

This book is worth keeping and re-reading. David J. Schwartz says “Got a good idea? Then do something about it.”
Profile Image for Nancy.
450 reviews
August 3, 2015
I came away from this self-help book with a few useful/helpful tidbits, namely in the "stay positive," "love what you do" and "work hard" categories. However, as helpful as the book was in the 1960s for millions of people, I don't think I represent its ideal audience.

Because, in order to truly glean more than just a few tidbits of advice from this book, I imagine you would have to subscribe to the thinking that "success" and its cousin, "happiness," are defined the way Dr. Schwartz defines it: having lots (and lots) of respect, lots of control, and therefore gaining lots of money. (I don't).

This narrow concept was further muddled for me by the fact that this book was written 50 years ago-- dragging along its dated jargon (What on earth does "blow my stack" mean??) and stereotypical gender roles. Although I appreciate Dr. Schwartz' desire to keep the "wives" happy as well, as they are apparently all at home doing dishes in every anecdote Schwartz uses... (I wonder what THEIR definiton of success is?)
Profile Image for James.
Author 2 books451 followers
March 23, 2018
I'm a Yorkshireman — from the north of England — we subsist on a steady diet of tea and disappointment. This book contains good advice but as a grumpy northerner I still found it annoying.

You can buy the book here.

Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com
Profile Image for MaSuMeH.
171 reviews233 followers
January 6, 2017

اینکه بعد از مدتها یک کتاب درست و درمان روانشناسی بخوانی که نه خواسته باشد با جملات گنده گنده کلی، سرت را شیره بمالد و نه اینقدر تخصصی گرفتار ذهن و روان بشود که حوصله ات را سر ببرد واقعن اتفاق جالب توجهی برای من بود. خواندنش کیفورم کرد. میدانم که بارها خواهمش خواند چون درس هایی دارد که فقط با تکرار میشود یادشان گرفت..بهرحال که اگر دنبال رشد هستید از خواندن این کتاب پشیمان نخواهید شد.

زمستان 95
Profile Image for Liong.
258 reviews451 followers
January 23, 2022
A must read for motivation and dream BIG.
Profile Image for Amit Mishra.
240 reviews690 followers
May 27, 2019
It's a really nice book well crafted for the persons of any age. Sometimes you get stuck in your life and you reach a conclusion that there is no way out now. That's where motivation comes to play you consider some phenomenal work that can inspire you and burn a light of hope deep inside your heart.
These books are not extraordnary, the ideas and opinion are the same what we use to talk everyday. But the way authore ahs persented us that is soemthing insirational and tremendous. It talks about almost everything.
Profile Image for Mahshid Parchami.
95 reviews23 followers
August 8, 2024
.بهترین کتابیه که تا به حال در زمینه موفقیت خوندم. مخصوصا به خاطر توجه به موضوع اعتماد به نفس و ارائه راهکارهای عملی
Profile Image for Mohammed Al-Abdullah.
155 reviews76 followers
July 30, 2010
I got the recommendation for this book from Anthony Robins in his famous book (Awaken Your Giant Within) , and he quoted lots of sayings and mentioned them in his book ..

Then I decided to read it as soon as I could .. Although, it's shorter than Robins's book but really it's an amazing book, full of essential concepts and secrets ..

I recommend everybody to read it deeply and apply it's concepts
Profile Image for Brian Johnson.
Author 1 book1,023 followers
October 30, 2023
This book deserves a spot on your top list. If you’re committed to living your biggest life, it’s pretty darn close to a must read.

“Think Big and you’ll live big. You’ll live big in happiness. You’ll live big in accomplishment. Big in income. Big in friends. Big in respect… Start now, right now, to discover how to make your thinking make magic for you. Start out with this thought of the great philosopher Disraeli: ‘Life is too short to be little.’”

~ David J. Schwartz from The Magic of Thinking Big

Ahhh… The MAGIC of thinking BIG. That’s a fun topic.

Are you thinking big? You better if you plan to be big.

This book deserves a spot on your top list. It’s written in some old school language (originally published in 1959) but still carries some big mojo that’s worth checking out, regardless of the field in which you want to get “big”—be it in business or your bank account or your relationships or even your spirituality.

Schwartz’ wisdom echoes all the greats and if you’re committed to living your highest and biggest life, this is pretty darn close to a must read.

Some of my favorite big ideas from this book include:

1. Believe Big - If you want to think big.
2. Excusitis - Get your vaccination.
3. Stickability - Persistence→Success.
4. Action Cures Fear - Always.
5. Memory Bank Deposits - Make good ones!
6. To Think Confidently - Act confidently.
7. Impossible? Huh? - What’s that?
8. Experiment! - It’s good for you.
9. Capture Ideas - Get a lot of ‘em.
10. Perfection - Compromise with it.
11. Just Do It - Good ideas need action.

I’ve summarized those Big Ideas in a video review that you can watch here: https://youtu.be/jQj7ijdsoPA?si=GYXw0...

I’ve also added The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz to my collection of Philosopher’s Notes--distilling the Big Ideas into 6-page PDF and 20-minute MP3s on 600+ of the BEST self-development books ever. You can get access to all of those plus a TON more over at https://heroic.us.
Profile Image for Leah.
718 reviews113 followers
December 30, 2019
It's good but not life changing. At least to me, for others I could see it. It teaches basic principles like smile more, network more, speak loud and clear, stay positive, make eye contact...

The beginning was overcoming common excuses like 'oh I can't do it because of my health', or 'I'm not smart enough', 'I don't have enough time', etc."
Profile Image for Mike.
30 reviews2 followers
December 31, 2008
I don't really like self help books, but this was a really good book. Simple, quick read, and actually had intelligent content. I would recommend this book to anyone, but if you like self help books, then this is a must read.
Profile Image for Nader Qasem.
59 reviews38 followers
December 25, 2019


الكتاب: سحر التفكير بصوره أكبر.
الكاتب: دايفد سكوارتز. .
طوط طوط طوط !
هذا صوت من؟
هذا صوت القطار الأخير
يعني المحطه الاخيره
يعني التذكره الاخيره
يعني الفرصة الاخيره
قرق قرق قرق !
هذا صوت من ؟
هذا صوت ركب العمر وهو يمضي
هذا صوت اليوم يلحقه الشهر تلحقه السنه
هذا صوت الزمن يمر عليك مرور الكرام .
لحظه تمهل من فظلك،فما كتب في الأعلي فكر معاق ،معيق، يعيق،او علي الأقل هذا ما يريد ان يخبرك إياه دايفيد سكوارتز ، نعم يخبرنا سكوارتز ان العمر يبداء الان من هذه الثانيه ل هذه الدقيقة ل هذه الساعه فسارع من الان وداع ما خلف ل /الخلف. .
فكر بصوره اكبر ، دع مساحه عقليتك تتسع ل عمر اخر وأكثر ،القي الاستسلام في غياهيب الجب، اغلق أبوابك في وجه اليأس ،اسدل ستأر نوافذك في وجه الندم ،واشرع في اتجاه النجاح ، نعم ك افضل ما يكون النجاح !! .
متحمس ل حياه جديده ؟ حيث لا حسره ولا ندم علي قرقه اقدام السنوات المهملة ؟
جميل،إذا حان الوقت ل تغيير طريقه تفكيرك !
ف دايفد سكوارتز يخبرك انك عندما تفكر كبيرًا حتما ستعيش كبيرًا، ستعيش كبيرًا في السعادة، ستعيش كبيرا في الإنجاز، كبيرا في الدخل المادي ، كبيرا في دائره الأصدقاء، كبيرا في كسب احترام من حولك ، ابدأ الآن ، الان لاكتشاف كيفيه التفكير بشكل اكبر ، ابدأ واحمل علي جبينك مقوله الفيلسوف العظيم دزرائيلي: "الحياة أقصر من أن تكون صغيرة". وهاهو الان سكوارتز يؤكد مقوله درزائيلي ويقول " الحياه اقصر من ان تعيشها ب عقل صغير". .
كيف تفكر اكبر !؟ يقول سكوارتز انه من السهل حقًا نسيان الأخبار الغير سارة إذا رفضت ببساطة تذكرها، استجلب في ذاكرتك الأخبار الإيجابيه ولا سواها، اسحب الأفكار المفيده فقط من بنك ذاكرتك،ارفع قامتك ل الاعلي، الاعلي حيث الشعور بأنك في قمة العالم، خذ خطى ممتازه الي الأمام، خطى كبيرة حيث تصغر قامه خوفك تحتها ، واجه من حولك بشجاعه، لكن ايضا بلطافه، جامل من حولك عند كل فرصه، تلك النيه التي تؤجل عمل اليوم الي الغد أهدمها، ذاك الغرور الذي يحاول ان يسيطر عليك تحكم به، تلك الطبائع السيئة التي لازمتك ، اغتسل منها، والكثير والكثير من محاسن الأخلاق والعادات التي قد يتفق عليها كل فرد من افراد الخليقه ب اختلاف توجهه ومبادئه.
هذا ليس كتاب ل الناشئين، هذا كتاب لك ولي وله ولها ،هذا كتاب يناسب كل الأفراد بتنوع خلفياتهم ،فهو ليس حكرا علي عمر او فئه معينه ،فسارع في قرأته ولا تدع العمر يمر عليك بلا مرورك علي هذه التحفه الأخلاقية الرائعه،شخصيا سأجعل المرور علي هذا الكتاب عاده سنويه وسأحاول الالتزام بها .
Profile Image for Gabrielė Bužinskaitė.
293 reviews124 followers
January 3, 2023
Is it a cliché to start a new year with a motivational book? Maybe. But it sure works.

“The Magic of Thinking Big” is exactly the way it sounds. The author encourages us to think greater than the average person. He wants us to believe in ourselves, cure ourselves of “excusitis” (the disease of finding excuses), and banish paralysing fear.

What I particularly loved was the author’s exercise. Think about the most successful person you know. Now think about the least successful person you know. Analyse them. Compare their attitudes.

What I found from this comparison just proved the author’s point.

The least successful person I know is stuck in excuses, self-pity, negative thinking, hopelessness, insecurity, and blame. He could achieve many things, as his intellect is fine, but he expects nothing good, so that is what he gets.

The most successful one is very different. He works on his mind. He values himself. Fear doesn’t paralyse him, neither does self-doubt nor mistakes. He is the master of his mind; not a puppet of his emotions or past failures.

Overall, a great book. It made me start doing things right away. I only wish it wasn’t so sales and career focused.

“If luck determined who does what and who goes where, every business in the nation would fall apart.”
Profile Image for Michael Fox.
91 reviews38 followers
March 12, 2016
I read this book many years ago. It changed my life. So, I picked up a Kindle edition and took another tour through its pages. It's still a game changer. I'm surprised at two things: 1) how many principles taught in this book that I've forgotten over the years, and 2) how some of my fundamental characteristics, things that are deeply ingrained in me, were rooted in this book from my first reading all those years ago. This book is now going on my annual rotation list.
Profile Image for Andy.
1,868 reviews570 followers
May 26, 2024
This is very good as historical sociology more than as self-help. I think this stuff was relevant especially for the generation that came of age in the Great Depression and World War II in America. Those people had been through hell, but then emerged into a booming economy with a ballooning middle-class. They needed a kick in the pants to stop thinking negatively. And the (white) guy who wanted to succeed big could rise above the masses by being a go-getter. The "American Dream" of upward mobility was real then for millions of people. This continued for the Baby Boomers who were born into that, but I think the system was falling apart by Gen X. As the daily news verifies, and as the author of "Detroit" says, we now live in a culture of corruption and incompetence. As such, the basic assumptions of "Thinking Big" (do a good job and you will be rewarded ...) cease to be a reliable norm. For people who want to rise above "average" without being corrupt, I think something like "Mastery" might be more useful nowadays.
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The aspects that are about breaking unrealistic negative thought loops are basically CBT and are timeless. So for people who would not read a "psych" book but want a mental boost, I could see how Dr. Schwartz could be very helpful. A distinction that makes Schwartz better than a lot of current psychobabble is that he is not telling everyone "You can do anything!" Everybody can't do anything, but what many people can do is improve their lot with action steps that are under their control and that will improve their lives incrementally if they follow through on them.
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Profile Image for Ashok Krishna.
399 reviews54 followers
October 15, 2017
Books on personal development, or the so-called ‘self’-help genre, have been around for so long, there is no doubt about that. There is a plethora of such books, which promise to help a person overcome the tough situations in life and sail through smoothly. Especially in our modern times, where publishing a book has become as easy as ordering a product online, there is a rise in the number of authors who promise to improve your life by offering some quick-fix solutions for your troubles. But there are very few authors who write books that leave a lasting impact, without merely indulging in flowery language and empty platitudes. 'The Magic of Thinking Big' is a book of the first kind.

Make no mistakes about it, all of us started our lives by dreaming big. We had high ambitions, we dreamt big and hoped big. But sooner than later the 'reality' gave us a wake-up call and the world around made us shrink our dreams and thoughts. Few of us, if ever, arrived at our last day with all our dreams fulfilled and all our hopes intact. Life shakes us all up and shatters our dreams. But some of us march on, tough as nails in the face of struggles. What separates such victors from the vanquished is their thought process. When Life throws you a challenge, one can simply wilt down and wither away or one can simply toughen oneself up and tear apart the challenges. And, one's self-belief plays the most crucial role in how one overcomes the challenges.

In this book, Dr.David Schwartz elaborates on the ageless principle of 'you become what you think'. What is so refreshing about this book is the very practical approach to the problems and the offering of subtle solutions. This book does not ask you to write some self-assuring line for 100 times daily. This book does not ask you to stare at yourself in a mirror - except on one rare occasion - and repeat some 'magical phrase' so many times to encourage yourself. All this book asks you is to think and to think BIG.

One of the most interesting aspects of this book is, this is quite comprehensive. Whether you are suffering from self-imposed inferiority complex or you have been told by people that you’re incapable of doing something, whether you’re suffering a setback in your venture or you’ve not even started yet due to fear, this book will add a dash of confidence to your thoughts and deeds. It all flows in simple, plain language, as if a friend is sitting across the table, speaking with you about your troubles and help stimulate your thought process, through which you get to correct your thought process and solve your troubles on your own. There is no peppering of quotes from ancient philosophers and certainly no repetition of platitudes as many popular modern-day authors wont to do.

If you would want to read only one book of the personal development genre ever, choose this one. For, this is such a beautiful, brilliant and worthwhile stuff!
Profile Image for Lars Andersson.
Author 2 books10 followers
September 4, 2015
This one of the first books I read in my life and it is very good if you like to learn how to do a business in any kind shape or form.
I love the way it is written and it sure helped me a lot.
So if you like to succeed with a business this may give you some hints.
Profile Image for Deepthi.
36 reviews141 followers
October 13, 2018
Who wants to be more succesful in their lives???

Who feels like they can do better but don't know how to do it???

C'mon, people... just read it...

It's a must read book, and trust me when I say it's going to help you...
It helped me a lot
Profile Image for Mohammad.
57 reviews19 followers
October 18, 2018
انسان خردمند فرمانروای ذهن خویش است و انسان بی خرد بنده آن!
به عقیده من خوندن یک کتاب انگیزشی بصورت روزانه جزو واجباته! مطالعه کتاب های این چنینی به شما کمک میکنه تا رویا داشته باشید و اونا رو فراموش نکنید.
Profile Image for Davor.
64 reviews1 follower
December 8, 2015
Gave up only 30-40 pages in, because it was too painful to carry on.

One of those books where author states hundreds of "real life examples" - e.g. "one friend of mine" or "a baker from South Florida" - without ever stating their names or any other checkable facts. The whole book is repetitive, feels totally artificial (or better said *made up*) and I almost found the tone it was written in borderline insulting.

Wanna read a great book of this kind? Go for The science of getting rich or anything written by legendary Napoleon Hill.
Profile Image for Amir Tesla.
162 reviews753 followers
March 15, 2016
Lots of wisdom and thought provoking ideas with practical applications in different domains of life from personal affairs, family, social interactions to leadership.

This book is definitely ranks among top 5 self-improvement books.
Profile Image for Shadin Pranto.
1,415 reviews472 followers
September 19, 2020
ভীষণ ভালো ভালো কথা লেখা। পড়ার সময় মনে হবে আগামীকাল থেকে নিজেকে ও নিজস্ব চিন্তাধারাকে আমূল বদলে ফেলব। কিন্তু পড়ার ঘন্টাখানেক পর কী পড়েছি তা স্মরণ করতে কষ্ট হয়। এটা বইয়ের সমস্যা নাকি আমার তা নিশ্চিত হতে পারিনি। একাধিকবার পড়েও ফল হয়নি। তবে এটা ঠিক ইতিবাচক চিন্তা করতে বইটি সহায়তা করবে। নিদেনপক্ষে ইতিবাচক চিন্তা কেন জীবনে চলার পথে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ তা বুঝিয়ে দেবে। আমল করতে পারা- না পারা পাঠকের ব্যাপার।
Profile Image for Anthony.
58 reviews12 followers
March 1, 2018
1.75 / 5

Initially, I thought this was a load of bullshit. And even now I think it's mostly bullshit.

The keyword here is mostly. It didn't start very well but I was listening to the audio version and it is quite short I decided to go with it. And indeed... there are some useful insights but what I found the most useful were a few common sense rules that we tend to forget. I needed the reminder myself and that's the reason why I gave it 2 stars instead of 1.

This is the type of book that gave 'self-help' books a bad name. I mean... being positive, confident and ambitious certainly is beneficial for success and overall happiness. But the reason is a lot more practical and logical. And simply wanting something really really bad won't cut it unless you persistently work towards achieving it. And I don't see how believing in a cosmic energy that helps you and pushes you towards success will help you with that. Especially considering success almost always follows a long array of failures.

And the examples were comical. Especially the acted ones in the audio version. It's like they purposely made them so ridiculous. Far fetched, scripted and unconvincing. And I also felt a certain 'enjoy being capitalistic slave' vibe. I should enjoy the rat race as an office clerk... Uhm yeah, no thanks!

After all that criticism, I was still able to find something useful from this book. However, I believe it takes some familiarity with the genre to be able to separate the useful bits from the piles of bullshit. Hence I wouldn't recommend it for beginners who are just entering the 'self-help/psychology' genre. I would say that one has to read a few scientifically sound psychology books before digging into this one.
Profile Image for Wim Oosterlinck.
Author 2 books1,393 followers
November 17, 2021
Hierzie: een full blown managementboek. Oude stijl dan nog. Geschreven in 1959: The Magic of Thinking Big. Voor iedereen die haar/zijn leven wil aanpakken, en niet bij de pakken wil blijven zitten.

David Schwartz geeft tips om succesvol te zijn - ik weet het, meer cliché wordt het niet. Maar inspirerend van de eerste bladzijde tot de laatste. Elke vier bladzijden moest ik stoppen om na te denken, dingen op te schrijven en vervolgens mijn leven te herorganiseren. Dit boek straalt enthousiasme uit, ondernemingslust en verantwoordelijkheidszin.

De centrale boodschap van het boek: denk na en beslis wat je wil zijn, en gedraag je op die manier in alle geledingen van je leven. Met andere woorden: stel je een doel, het is de enige mogelijkheid om iets te bereiken:
"Nothing happens, no forward steps are taken, until a goal is established. Without goals individuals just wander through life. They stumble along, never knowing where they are going, so they never get anywhere.
Goals are as essential to success as air is to life. No one ever stumbles into success without a goal. No one ever lives without air. Get a clear fix on where you want to go." (p. 299)

Volledig leesverslag: https://wimoosterlinck.wordpress.com/...
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