
"We as Christians accept that there are areas of life where Jesus' ways are not wise and not the way to proceed. It's not safe to follow Jesus in this area of life.

There is no political you, seperate from the real you. There is just you.

I have found that the same kind of logic that suggest Jesus would have us will the good, of even those we disagree with in politics, but that's really not reasonable.

That's the same kind of logic that would lead the business owner when he's sitting with his accounting books and the numbers don't quite add up, saying, look ideally, I'd be honest here, but I've got people working for me, people are depending on me, I'm doing good work through my business, I just need to fudge the numbers here. Just this year. And I know other people in my line of work, they do it too. So this is just the world as it is and we'll just take care of this problem and I'll make sure I tithe a little extra at church or I'll make sure I'm extra nice to my mother-in-law."

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