
"Trump is afraid of alienating his base.. as well as responding to what they want to hear from him. When Trump calls people vermin, who are his enemies or immigrants coming to the country, when he says that he is willing to consider termination of the constitution if he doesn't get his way and that his campaign is about retribution and revenge... he's doing so fairly confident that his electorate will go with him.

For me, that's always been the scariest thing. Jan 6th was the "shooting someone on fifth aveneue" moment. It was the moment when Trump showed that he could take a vast bulk of the Republican electorate in the country over the cliff with him and having done so, he blew up all the previous rules and bound them to him more fully.

The signal moment was the next day when the results were certified and two-thirds of the Republican conferenece went along with Trump's false and pernicious lies about the election... within hours of their capital being taken over." - Susan Glassser

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