
"[Twitter] encourages many things that I think are ultimately producing some consequential delusions for us, individually that scale. It provides an illusion of conversation... we seem to be talking but we're really talking in front of our audiences. So much of our conversation is performative and that starts to degrade the good faith characteristics of a real conversation and people end up just scoring points on each other.

It selects for a type of dishonesty. There's an ethic... of activists on the left and right... doesn't feel much of a need to get their opponent's position correct before savaging it. They don't mind distorting it. They will use that as a way of just smearing the person... you want to hold someone accountable for the wrost possible version of what they might have said, however implausible it really is as long as that can be made to stick. They almost always never go back and clean up their mess." - Sam Harris

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