What book (or other resource) would you suggest for learning modern C and why?
- Answered to What book (or other resource) would you suggest for learning modern C and why?
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Honestly I like K&R, maybe more for the historicity of it than the learning but it’s good for that too. It also has some intentionally funny bits wedged in there if you read closely enough 😀
- Answered to What book (or other resource) would you suggest for learning modern C and why?
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I liked this C book I read during lockdown { also its free and I did not want to spend a lot ! }
- Answered to What book (or other resource) would you suggest for learning modern C and why?
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- Answered to What book (or other resource) would you suggest for learning modern C and why?
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"Effective C" by
is IMHO the best textbook about C in the market right now. is an amazing resource. And
has an excellent presentation on modern C on YouTube.
- Answered to What book (or other resource) would you suggest for learning modern C and why?
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“Effective C”, published by
Reason: author has a background in secure coding and the book places an emphasis on this. Also clear and concise explanations.
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I personally liked 21st Century C, it covers how to get up and running with modern C and the ecosystem. Most C textbooks teach syntax and then go "there are libraries you can use to *mumble mumble*", and you're left wondering how to do anything beyond a CLI calculator.
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For those who learn best by reading a reference, after learning a few basics : Harbison/Steele
- Answered to What book (or other resource) would you suggest for learning modern C and why?
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Per Vognsen’s bitwise series showed me how c should be written
- Answered to What book (or other resource) would you suggest for learning modern C and why?
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