Any recs on what book I should read tonight?
I’m so burnt out, I spent the last two evenings reading two novels instead of working. Any recs on what book I should read tonight? I have access to ebooks via local library and kindle…
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Meme Wars is the best non-fiction book of 20222, IMHO.

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Too Much Lip is a great read..Melissa Lucashenko

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I know you're already buried in recommendations. My wife put Severance by Ling Ma in my hands and it's the best book I've read in years. Not only engaging but also dives deep into late stage capitalism in the book publishing industry?!
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Have you read this? I just loved it a couple of years ago:

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Have you read The Ministry for the Future? It's a novel, eco-manifesto, and investigative journalist's blog thrown in a blender. Bonus: author Kim Stanley Robinson envisions a useful role for blockchain.

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Really enjoyed The Moustache.

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I highly recommend you to check out this guy: