The world in a grain by @VinceBeiser. Highly recommended. Very well-written and thought-provoking read.
It’s a great book, I loved it, too 🫶
Absolutely LOVED @gladwell Malcolm Gladwell’s #Outliers genuinely mind-blowing. Used it in my teaching practice to make Yr10 & 11s understand they could do anything they set their minds to & that they are more than a number. Have inhaled all of his books, they are all wonderful!
Really essential reading for any dog owner!
A Swim In A Pond In The Rain, by George Saunders. The best book on how to read carefully and think about what you read that I have ever encountered. Also introduced me to some wonderful deeply humane classics of Russian literature.
The Warmth of Other Suns by @Isabelwilkerson - my favorite non-fiction book now and always.
Read this a couple years back. Such a moving account
Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck made me appreciate the essence of writing, the lure of discovering America, and the sad lingering facts of our racism and hatred amid the beauty of our country.
Fantastic book
So many brilliant books here and I’ve just added loads to my wish list! For me, All That Remains by Sue Black.
Underbug by @LisaMargonelli is still a favorite book of mine.
Singer's seminal work on ethics, 'Animal Liberation'. I was into philosophy and neuroscience when this crossed my path, and I read it in two days. It precipitated a paradigm shift in my understanding of nonhuman consciousness. Recommended reading for all humans with brains.